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Getting Started With Rovi REST TV Listings

Ready to get started? Have you registered yet? If not, your first step is to register and then request an API key. Those two steps give you what you need to provide values to the parameters that authenticate your requests.

Here are the calls in the API:

API CallDelivers
listings/servicesTelevision service providers in an area.
listings/servicedetailsChannel lineup and channel logos for a television service.
listings/gridscheduleTV listings and channel logos for a television service.
listings/linearscheduleTV listings and program images for a television service.
listings/programdetailsProgram data, images, and a schedule of upcoming broadcasts.
listings/celebritydetailsCelebrity data, images, and a schedule of upcoming broadcast appearances.

In this section:

Designing and Programming Your App

Here's how to dig into the information available here and get started:
  1. Read the Introduction to the REST TV Listings API for information about creating requests and processing responses.
  2. Read through the sections on this page and come back to them as needed.
  3. Study the Use Cases provided to help you design your application.
  4. For each request you make, study the documentation of the request in the API Reference. Request only the data you need to immediately display.
  5. Build and test your application.

Understanding Television Services and Sources

To design and develop a television schedule with Rovi TV data, you first need a good understanding of television services and television sources.

What is a Television Service and Service ID?

A service ID is a numeric identifier for a television service. A television service is:
  1. A provider of a local lineup of television channels. For example:
    • Dish Network, US Eastern time zone (service ID 63879)
    • Local broadcast TV, Ontario, Canada (service ID 82905)
    • CanalSat, France Area Channels (Central Europe) (service ID 890504)
  2. A lineup of US national television sources, without channel numbers. These aren't real television services, rather they are collections of the most popular national broadcast and cable sources, like CNBC, HBO, and CSPAN. Programming from these sources occurs at the same time throughout a time zone and people using these listings likely know which channels these sources are on. Examples of US national sources include:
    • United States national services, Pacific time zone (service ID 80004)
    • United States national services, Eastern time zone (service ID 80001)

What is a Source and Source ID?

A source ID is a numeric identifier for a source of television programming, such as CNBC, HBO, and CSPAN. A source ID identifies a unique programming schedule, and some programming sources have more than one source ID. For example, there are three source IDs for Lifetime Television East, West, and high-definition.
When you request a television program schedule, you have the option to filter the response by source IDs. This gives you the option to return, for example, just HD, PPV, music, or sports channels—or to filter them out. It also gives you the option to deliver different channels to different customers if you want to track customer favorite channels.
Most channels offer programming from just one source, but some channels may broadcast more than one source on the same channel. There are two ways this happens.
One, a channel broadcasts sources at different times, on different schedules, say one source from 6:00AM to 2:00PM, and another from 2:00PM to 12:00AM.
Two, a channel broadcasts two sources, SD and HD, on the same channel number at the same time. Satellite television receivers can tune to each channel separately, so SD receivers pick up the SD source and HD the HD.
In both cases, there are two rows in your schedule for a single channel number, each with its own call letters and perhaps its own logo. For channel numbers that switch sources, this occurs when the schedule overlaps both sources.
Because of this, the unique identifier for each row is the source ID, and the globally unique identifier for a row in a television schedule is the combination of service ID and source ID.
Note also that some channels do not offer 24-hour programming. You need to decide what you want to display during times they are not broadcasting.

Calculating Local Broadcast Times

Rovi TV Listings returns program broadcast times in UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time), so you need to apply the local UTC offset to calculate the local time. We include the local offset in the information we return about a television service.
The format we use for broadcast times is YYYY-MO-DDTHH:MI:SSZ, where:
  • YYYY = year
  • MO   = month     
  • DD   = day
  • HH = hour (00 to 23)
  • MI = minute
  • SS = second
Note that the letter T precedes the time and that, to indicate UTC time, the date-time ends with the letter Z. (UTC time is also known as Zulu time.)
Here's an example: 2012-03-05T23:00:00Z. This is the broadcast time for the 6:00 pm news on March 5, 2012 in New York City. The UTC offset for that date in New York is minus 300 minutes (5 hours). Subtracting 300 minutes from the 23:00 time results in 18:00 (6:00 pm).
Because local offsets change with daylight savings time, offset information is returned with applicable start and end times like this:
Note that for the first daylight savings time change, your TV schedule would have two time periods from 1:00 am to 2:00 am local time, and that for the second change your schedule would have no 2:00 am to 3:00 am time period.
For locales that do not observe daylight savings time, the time period covers the calendar year and the offset does not change. For Regina, Saskatchewan, for example, time zone information looks like this:
Note also that time zone offsets occur on the half hour in some countries.

Understanding Images

Rovi TV Listings gives you access to over 150,000 images related to movies and television, with more added every business day. The kinds of images include:
  • Cast photos
  • Show imagery
  • Movie posters
  • TV channel logos
  • TV series showcards
  • Celebrity appearances
An image is typically available in over 35 different sizes and image formats.

Image Metadata

API responses do not return image files. To speed data transmission and to let you select the images you want, Rovi TV Listings returns image metadata that includes URLs to image files. You select the images you want from the metadata and include the URLs of those images in your application so the image download occurs at the final point.
Image metadata includes the following useful properties:
  • Aspect ratio
  • Type of image
  • Image dimensions
  • Legal owner of the image
  • Image format (JPG or PNG)
  • Number of people in the image
  • Caption for some types of images
  • When the image was last modified
  • Orientation (portrait or landscape)
  • When availability of the image expires
  • Prominance of the cast members in the image
  • How much of the person appears in the picture
  • Image size as a percentage of the original image size
  • Image credit and whether it must be displayed with the image
  • An ID that all other files with the same image have in common
  • Whether the image is directly relevant to the subject of the API request
  • Associated celebrity name, TV channel source name, or movie or program title
Here, for example, is image metadata for a program we made up called The Cube. (Although this image is a mock up, it is similar to images returned for actual programs.) For detailed information about these properties, see the documentation for the Image object.



TV listings data API sample image: Key Art.
   <ImageUseType xsi:nil="true"/>
   <ImageTitle>The Cube</ImageTitle>
   <ImageCaption>Key Art</ImageCaption>
   <ObjectName>The Cube</ObjectName>
   <ImageCreditDisplay xsi:nil="true"/>
   <ImageType>Key Art</ImageType>
   <ImageMaintainAspectFlag xsi:nil="true"/>
   <ImageExpiryDateTime xsi:nil="true"/>

Types of Images the API Returns

Here are descriptions of the image types the API returns:
Image TypeDescription
Box ArtArt for a video product.
CelebrityClose-up shot of a celebrity or cast or crew member.
Gallery: KeyOne or more key cast members without set imagery.
Gallery: SupportingOne or more supporting cast members without set imagery.
GroupFive or more cast members.
Head Shot: KeyHead or upper body shot of a key cast member. Appropriate for thumbnail size.
Head Shot: SupportingHead or upper body shot of a supporting cast member. Appropriate for thumbnail size.
Key ArtKey show imagery.
League LogoOfficial logo of a sports league.
Poster ArtTheatrical poster art.
Production: KeyKey cast members in staged poses on set.
Production: SupportingSupporting cast members in staged poses on set.
Program: KeyScene from the program with one or more key cast members.
Program LogoStylized logo for the program.
Program: SupportingScene from the program with one or more supporting cast members.
ShowcardTV series poster in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
Station LogoOfficial logo of a network or other TV programming source.
TrailerImage from the show in a 16:9 aspect ratio, suitable as an image link to a trailer.
Vertical Showcard (3:4)TV series poster in a 3:4 aspect ratio.
The API returns images in order of image type as shown in the Image Order table. Here are the image types returned by each of the API calls that return images:
This API Call . . .Can Return These Image Types . . .
  • Box Art
  • Head Shot: Key
  • Production: Supporting
  • Celebrity
  • Head Shot: Supporting
  • Program: Key
  • Gallery: Key
  • Key Art
  • Program: Supporting
  • Gallery: Supporting
  • Poster Art
  • Showcard
  • Group
  • Production: Key
  • Vertical Showcard (3:4)
listings/gridscheduleStation Logo
  • Box Art
  • Key Art
  • Program Logo
  • Gallery: Key
  • League Logo
  • Program: Supporting
  • Gallery: Supporting
  • Poster Art
  • Showcard
  • Group
  • Production: Key
  • Vertical Showcard (3:4)
  • Head Shot: Key
  • Production: Supporting
  • Trailer
  • Head Shot: Supporting
  • Program: Key

Note: listings/programdetails requests for program credits also return images with the Celebrity image type in the Credits object.

listings/servicedetailsStation Logo

Image Filters

Some requests can return hundreds of images. To help you get the images you want, most of the calls that return images allow you to filter the images returned based on values of the following image metadata properties:
Image PropertyDescription
ImageFormatImage format of the file: JPG or PNG.

You can use this property as an image filter in the following calls:

ImageFormatIdA numeric ID that identifies an image or logo by a combination of the following three factors:
  • Category (image or logo)
  • Graphics file format (JPG or PNG)
  • Dimensions of a bounding box that the image fills in one or both dimensions

The format IDs are shown in the Format IDs table.

Our most frequently used image filter and available in all requests that return images, format ID earns its popularity from the fact that it delivers images and logos within a predefined bounding box. This frees page designers to build pages that work for any movie, program, celebrity, or TV schedule.

An image is typically available for every ID in the image category, and a logo is typically available for every ID in the logo category.

A format ID specifies several properties at once, so note that it becomes possible to specify other filters that conflict. For example, if you specify an image format of PNG along with an format ID that specifies JPG, the request will return no images.

ImageHorizontalResolutionExact width of the image in pixels.

You can use this property as an image filter in the following calls:

ImageTypeType of image. The image types are shown in the ImageType table.

You can use this property as an image filter in the following calls:

ImageVerticalResolutionExact height of the image in pixels.

You can use this property as an image filter in the following calls:

Strategies for Getting the Images You Want

The wide variety of image metadata and image filters are designed to help you get the images you want. The best strategy to get images depends on the API request and the type of application you are building.

Getting Channel Logos for TV Schedules

Channel logos are the logos of TV networks and other TV programming sources, such as CBS, HBO, and CSPAN. A TV programming source may have multiple logos. CBS, for example, has a logo with just the graphic eye and has other logos that include the letters CBS. And networks commonly have versions for local affiliates as well.
You can receive channel logos in the channel information that is returned by both listings/servicedetails and listings/gridschedule. Use the image filter parameters in those calls to get the logos you want:
  • To return logos by width and height, specify an imageformatid in the Logo category that has the dimensions you want. Most channel logos have a landscape orientation, so we recommend using an imageformatid (except for 2) that has a greater width than the height. The response will return the best quality logos for that that request, but if you want to select a logo by other priorities, such as widget (low resolution) or aspect ratio, choose an image count of 4 and select the logos you want from the metadata returned about each logo.
  • For color logos with a transparent background, specify an imagehorizontalresolution and imageverticalresolution of 92 x 36. Use a background with no white over 248 and no black under 20.

Getting Images for Celebrity Pages

You can get images for your celebrity pages with the information you receive from listings/celebritydetails. The order in which celebrity images are returned is shown in the Image Order table. The best strategy for getting images depends on what you want to do.
To get the best images for a particular celebrity, use any of the six image filters, starting with imageformatid and imagetype and a large imagecount. Create several combinations of filters and execute them in order of priority until you get the best images available for that page.
To get the images that work best for a page design, across all of your celebrity pages, specify the imageformatid filter and a large imagecount, say 50, to get all of the images available. Then select the images you want from the metadata returned about each image.

Getting Images for Movie and Program Pages

You can get images for your movie and program pages with the information you receive from listings/programdetails.The order in which images are returned depends on the program category, as shown in the Image Order table. The best strategy for getting movie and program images depends on what you want to do.
To get the best images for a particular movie or program, use any of the six image filters, starting with imageformatid and imagetype and a large imagecount. Create several combinations of filters and execute them in order of priority until you get the best images available for that page.
To get the images that work best for a page design, across all of your movie or program pages, specify the imageformatid filter and a large imagecount, say 50, to get all of the images available. Then select the images you want from the metadata returned about each image.

Understanding Error Messages

During application development, you are concerned about errors from three sources:
  • Your development environment.
  • The Rovi API hosting service.

The Rovi API host authorizes access and performs an initial request validation. The API host returns error messages as a single element, like this:

   <h1>403 Developer Inactive</h1>

The error messages returned by the Rovi API host are listed below in the section Error Messages From the Rovi API Hosting Service.

  • The Rovi transaction server.

The Rovi transaction server returns two types of error messages, one from the parser and one from the transaction processor. For details about these error messages, see the following section.

Error Messages From the Rovi API Transaction Server

The Rovi API transaction server returns two types of error messages:
  • The request parser rejects improperly constructed requests with error messages like this:
      <soap:Text xml:lang="en">
         Server was unable to process request. ---> Mandatory property is not specified: Locale
  • The API transaction processor returns error messages like this:
<GetServicesResult xmlns="">
   <RequestId xmlns="">bf7421c5-f2df-48e4-9c7d-a75751aa77a2</RequestId>
   <TimeStamp xmlns="">2013-07-19T00:11:10.024Z</TimeStamp>
   <Status xmlns="">NPE</Status>
   <Errors xmlns="">
         <ErrorText>Invalid locale specified. (Server: 07)</ErrorText>
   <EndTimestamp xmlns="">2013-07-19T00:11:10.024Z</EndTimestamp>
   <Build xmlns="">9.13.6</Build>
   <Services />

The Errors object returns one or more Error objects that describe errors found. For information about errors returned for a request, see the page documenting that request.

The Status element returns the transaction status as a three-letter code, as shown in the following table.

NACNon-authenticated call. Application is not authenticated to use the service.
NPENot processed, errors. Failed to process the request because of errors. Error information is returned in the Errors object.
PNEProcessed, no errors. Request processed successfully.

If no data was returned in the response, the transaction server found no data that conformed to one or more parameter values. In that case, check and correct the parameter values.

PWWProcessed with warnings. The request, or part of the request, was processed, but a warning was issued to correct a problem with the request. Warning information is returned in the Errors object.

Error Messages From the Rovi API Hosting Service

The Rovi API host returns error messages as a single element, like this:
	<h1>403 Developer Inactive</h1>
The error messages returned by the Rovi API host are listed below:
CodeError MessageDescription
400 Bad Request Generally caused by an incorrectly formatted request.
400 ERR_INVALID_APIKEY The specified API key [apikey] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_DATE_RANGE_EXCEEDS_7_DAY_MAX The specified date range of [range_duration_specified_days] days is longer than the maximum allowed of 7 days.
400 ERR_INVALID_END_DATE The specified end_date [end_date] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_ERRORCODE_LIMIT The specified errorcode_limit [errorcode_limit] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_FORMAT The specified format [format] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_LIMIT The specified limit [limit] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_METHOD_LIMIT The specified method_limit [method_limit] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_DEV_KEY The specified service_dev_key [service_dev_key] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_KEY The specified service_key [service_key] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_SIG The specified sig [sig] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_SITE_ID The specified site_id [site_id] is not valid.
400 ERR_INVALID_START_DATE The specified start_date [start_date] is not valid.
403 Account Over Queries Per Second Limit More requests per second than is allowed for the API key.
403 Account Over Rate Limit Number of requests exceeds the limit allowed by your subscription level.
403 Developer Inactive The API key you are using to access the API has not been approved or has been disabled.
403 Forbidden You have not been granted permission to access the requested method or object.
403 Not Authorized The API key in your request was not recognized or the signature was incorrect.
403 Rate Limit Exceeded The service you requested is over-capacity.
403 Unknown Referrer The referring URL is not recognized. This may occur if the API key is tied to a referring URL.
404 Not Found The server did not find anything that matched the request. Typically this means that no resource (such as a movie, album, or image) matched the specifications in the request.
414 Request URI Too Long The request is too long.
500 Internal Server Error The server is experiencing a technical problem.
502 Bad Gateway A gateway processing the request received an invalid response from the API server or another server.
503 API Maintenance/Service Unavailable The API server is temporarily unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout A gateway processing the request did not receive a response from the API server or another server before it timed out.

Developer Resources

Developer Forum

Your second resource, after the documentation in these pages, is the Rovi Cloud Services Forum. The Forum is the place to go for:
  • Known issues
  • Release notes
  • General discussion
  • Questions and answers
  • Suggestions and feature requests
Our forum posts are also available via RSS feed. Subscribe to the Forum RSS feed to keep up with the latest posts.

Developer Blog

For announcements, don't forget to check our Developer Blog. Keep up to date with Rovi Cloud Services news and upcoming events.
Our blog posts are also available via RSS feed. Subscribe to the Blog RSS feed to keep up with the latest posts.

Twitter Handle

Rovi Cloud Services has a Twitter handle: @RoviAPI. Follow us to receive product updates, operational notices, and other interesting tidbits about APIs, fluffy clouds, and the rapidly evolving world of digital entertainment!

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