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Contains parameters that filter response data.
ColumnNumber Integer Number of the column where the left-most column in a result set is 1. Use this to specify a column by position instead of by column name.
Expression String String value or regular expression to be applied to the value of the column for this filter.
Operation Operation The filter operation.

Note: If the operations GT, GEQ, LT, and LEQ are used on a string field containing digits, the operation will perform a string comparison, not an integer comparison. Since strings comparisons look for the first unequal character, a GT operation between the strings "100" and "28" returns "28". If both strings are equal at the end of one string, then the longer string is considered greater.

For more information, please refer to an article on string comparison at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/84787k22.aspx.


Sample Filter Code

Sample filtering code using RecommendationService.GetRecommendationItemsInList():
var page = new DataPage 
  StartIndex = 0, 
  PageSize = 3
var programsFilters = new Filter[1];
programsFilters[0] = new Filter
  ColumnNumber = 1,
  Operation = FilteringOperation.GT,
  Expression = "5000000"
var request = new GetRecommendationItemsInListRQ
  ClientBatchId = "OptionalClientBatchId",
  DeviceProfileId = "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012",
  RecommendationListId = "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012",
  StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
  EndDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
  CopyType = 0,
  IncludeDataType = IncludeDataType.ProgramsOnly,
  Image = null,
  Page = page,
  ProgramsFilters = programsFilters,
  Locale = "en-US"
var response = recommendationService. GetRecommendationItemsInList(request);
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