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Returns basic information about a movie release plus customized requests for all of the other Movie Release content that is available. These customized requests are designed to make your programming easy and efficient: in a single step you both verify availability of the data and capture the request. You just add your sig parameter and execute the request.

The movierelease/info request also provides an optional argument to include responses from any or all of the other MovieRelease requests. This may return a large amount of data. To speed data transmission, do the following:

  • Request only data that you need to immediately display.
  • Request a compressed response by including Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate in the HTTP header.


movierelease/info? upcid=upcid
&apikey=apikey&sig=sig [&include=include] [&format=format] [&country=country] [&language=language] [&formatid=formatid]

Request Example 1

Request information about the extended collector's edition of Avatar using the movie release ID.

Request Example 2

Request information using the UPC code of the DVD.

Request Parameters

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Parameter Required Description
apiKey Yes Access code that authorizes your request for data from Rovi.
sig Yes A calculated authorization code. To perform the calculation, execute the MD5 function on the concatenation of the following three strings:
  • Your API key.
  • The secret key you received with your API key.
  • The Unix time. Unix time is a timestamp supported in most development environments, and is generally defined as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.

Perform the calculation at the time of each request to be sure it's within a five-minute window of the server time. If you're testing the call in a browser, use our online signature generator to perform the calculation.

moviereleaseid Conditional ID of a movie release. Your application can grab movie release IDs from Movie/Releases responses.

Condition: The request must contain just one of these parameters:

  • upcId
  • movieReleaseId
upcid Conditional The numbers from the Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode that identifies an item.

Condition: The request must contain just one of these parameters:

  • upcId
  • movieReleaseId
country No Country of the language of the response. The current release of the API supports only US.
format No Format of the returned data: json or xml. The default is JSON.
formatid No If you specify All or Images in the include parameter, formatid specifies the size and image format of returned images. The format IDs available are shown in the Format IDs table. To select multiple format IDs, specify the IDs as a comma-separated list like this formatid=36,44,51.

Note: Your access to images is governed by your subscription level.

include No Any other Movie Release requests to include in the request. For example, to include the description, add &include=description. For multiple includes, separate the values with commas like this: &include=description,images. You can also include all Movie Release requests with include=all. The possible values are:

For information about a request, please see the documentation for the request.

Reminder: These options may return a large amount of data. To speed data transmission, do the following:

  • Request only data that you need to immediately display.
  • Request a compressed response by including Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate in the HTTP header.
language No Language of the response data. This request supports only en (English).


Response Header

buildStringThe software release level of the API.
codeIntegerHTTP status code. See the status field for the text part of the code.
durationIntegerServer processing time in milliseconds. The difference between startTime and endTime.
endTimeStringWhen the server sent the response (UTC time).
messagesMessage [ ]Elements of a multiple HTTP response status message.
parametersparametersList of the parameters included in the request.
serverNameStringName of the server that processed the request.
startTimeStringWhen the server received the request (UTC time).
statusStringText part of the HTTP status code that is shown in the code field.

Response for MovieRelease/Info

aspect String Video display aspect ratio used by the release.
description description Description of the release, returned only if the request specified an include=description argument.
descriptionUri String The customized MovieRelease/Description request, returned only if a description is available.
featureRating Int MPAA rating of the movie.
features String [ ] Special features included on a release, returned only if the request specified an include=features argument. Features include trailers, interviews, commentaries, etc.
featuresUri String The customized MovieRelease/Features request, returned only if a list of features is available.
formats String [ ] Media and formats used for the release.
ids ids All of the IDs associated with the release that are recognized by the API. The possible IDs are:
  • upcId
  • releaseId
  • movieReleaseId
images Image [ ] URLs to images of the release, along with the size of each image. Returned only if the request specified an include=images argument and your subscription level enables access to images.
imagesUri String The customized MovieRelease/Images request, returned only if images are available.
languages String [ ] Language soundtracks that are available for the movie on the release.
movieId String Movie ID of the movie on the release.
rating Int An editorially assigned rating of the movie from 0 to 10, where 0 is no rating and higher numbers indicate a higher rating.
region Int DVD region code of the release.
releaseDate String Date the movie release was released in YYYY-MM-DD order.
requestedId String The ID in the request that applies to this response object.
screenFormat String Video display technology used by the release to accommodate the aspect ratio.
sides Int Number of DVD sides used on the release.
sound String Audio technology used by the release.
studio String The company that distributed the release.
subtitles String [ ] Languages of the subtitles available on the release.
title String Title of the release.
videos Video [ ] Data for constructing links to trailers for the movie release, returned only if the request specified an include=videos argument.
videosUri String The customized MovieRelease/Videos request, returned only if data is available.

JSON Response Example

Here's the response to Request Example 1. It is formatted with extra spaces and carriage returns to make it easy to read.
    "movieId":"V  352199",
    "title":"Avatar [Extended Collector's Edition] [3 Discs]",
    "releaseDate":"2010 11 16",
    "studio":"20th Century Fox",

XML Response Example

Here's an XML response to Request Example 1.
<MovieReleaseDetail xmlns="com.rovicorp.metadataservice" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <messages i:nil="true"/>
    <movieId>V 352199</movieId>
    <title>Avatar [Extended Collector&apos;s Edition] [3 Discs]</title>
    <formats xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
    <releaseDate>2010 11 16</releaseDate>
    <languages xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
    <subtitles xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
    <description i:nil="true"/>
    <features xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" i:nil="true"/>
    <images i:nil="true"/>
    <imagesUri i:nil="true"/>
    <videos i:nil="true"/>
    <studio>20th Century Fox</studio>

See Also

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